...not, contrary to popular belief, living eternally. Nay, immortality is being immortalized in memory, be it a person’s or society’s, for all eternity. We, as humans, focus upon the wrong thing, the concept of living forever. We instead should focus upon that quest for pure memory, for existing beyond our years as an idolized and idealized version of ourselves, hoisted up in memory for deeds both great and horrific.
“Who has achieved immortality?” you may ask. Many a great people, who started out humble and meek, rose to greatness and achieved a power greater than any single man should ever possess. Adolf Hitler, Winston Churchill, Robert LeRoy Parker, Guy Fawkes, Mary Tudor, Mary Magdalene, Mother Teresa and a host of other men and women have achieved this grand dream, the dream of perpetual existence. Tyrant or saint, queen or libertarian, butcher or savior, they are known for deeds tremendous in scope and terrifying in reality. We remember them as men and women who have achieved great or monstrous deeds, but what of the true man or woman behind the veil?
Do not remember these people for the events they perpetuated; instead, remember them for why they perpetuated these events, why they were the one remembered.
(This is a short vignette on remembrance as a response to Saint Patrick's Day. Remember his for what he did, not for being Irish. Remember his day not as a day of drinking and merriment but as a day of dreams and victory.)
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